Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Is In The Air!!!

 Housewives of Muskogee County!!

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries 








What You Need

1pkg.  (7 oz.) BAKER'S Milk Chocolate Dipping Chocolate
36  fresh strawberries 

Make It

MELT chocolate as directed on package.
DIP strawberries in chocolate; let excess chocolate drip off.
PLACE on waxed paper-covered baking sheet. Refrigerate 30 min. or until chocolate is firm. 

Prepare using BAKER'S Dark Semi-Sweet Dipping Chocolate.
Cooking Know-How
For best results, serve strawberries the same day they are dipped.
How to Select and Store Fresh Strawberries
When purchasing fresh strawberries, look for plump, brightly colored berries with a strong strawberry fragrance. If pre-packaged in plastic cartons, be sure to check the bottom of the container for any mushy berries or signs of mold. Store strawberries in the refrigerator and wash just before using. 
To Jade Day Our Valentine's Flower Arrangement 
Contest Winner!
Compliments of A Flower Can (Fort Gibson)


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Have you ever walked away from a relationship and looked back and suddenly noticed all the red flags which were indicating that he was completely wrong for you?

As you look back now is it easier for you to see that the red flags were there and you simply weren't seeing them, or is it that you were aware of them but you chose to ignore them?

Why is it that as time goes by you are able to see things so much more clearly?  I believe there are five major signs which indicate that the guy you are interested in is not going to lead you to the happy and fulfilling relationship you desire.

1) You Can't Trust Him - Trust is the most important building block of a successful relationship. If you can't trust a man, it makes no difference how great he is in bed, what kind of money he makes or how great the chemistry is between you.

If you find yourself with a guy who doesn't honor his word and agreements with you there is only one thing you must do.... "Run!"

2) You Make Excuses - the need to love and the need to love is wired into your DNA. Unfortunately this often leads to short-circuiting your brain. If you are in a relationship with a man and you're constantly making excuses for his actions and behavior it's time to kick his "Butt To The Curb" and go find a man we don't have to make excuses for.

3) You Are Consistently Unhappy? - Isn't love supposed to make you feel good? Isn't a man supposed to enhance your life and make it better? If the guy you're dating or married to often causes you to have more tears than smiles it's not a sign of how much you love him, it's a sign he simply isn't the right guy for you.

4) You're Working Too Hard- If you're doing all the work and putting all of the effort in to make him happy and to make the relationship work it's a clear cut sign that you are with the wrong man!  Every relationship has its challenges, but when the right man and the right woman come together these challenges become nothing more than little speed bumps in life.

5) You're Afraid to Leave - The telltale sign that you are with Mr. Wrong is when you stay with a man and continue to try and make the relationship work because you are afraid of leaving. Fear is a natural tendency which is designed to protect us and keep us safe. However when it comes to men, dating and relationship your fears often cause you to make choices and decisions which completely work against you and what you desire. If you find yourself dating or married to a guy and you're unhappy and you're afraid to move on it's time to make the tough decision. It may be difficult to actually do it but one day when you are down the road you will see that it was a great move on your part.

From this point on if you notice that you are involved with a guy and you notice any of the five signs it would be in your best interest to move on. Now I'm not saying, it's gonna be easy. And the truth is,  if you've got real strong feelings for him it's going to be even more difficult. But being able to make the tough choices is exactly what separates those who have great relationships from those who have mediocre ones.

Still Wondering if he's Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? Does he truly love me, or is he using me?  Should I hang in there, or cut my losses? Below are 9 Signs of Mr. Right to help you decide:

1.  He will be Kind to You

As 1 Corinthians 13 tells us, love is patient and love is kind. Kindness is evidence of love. If your mate is disrespectful, harsh, or mean-spirited towards you, his behavior is not an indication of love.

2.  He will want to Help You.

If you have a problem or need, he wants to provide the solution. He will want to solve your problem, ease your pain, and take away your worries. He will not want to see you suffering, not if he can prevent it.

3.  He will be Protective of You.

He will show concern for your well-being and will want to keep you safe. He will defend you and will not want anyone to take advantage of you. Don’t be surprised if he seems like your personal hero and protector.

4.  He will Give of Himself and his Resources

He will willingly and sacrificially give of himself: his time, his energy, and when necessary, even his financial support. He is eager to please you and to provide what he can to sustain your relationship.

5.  He will Favor YOU & Prioritize YOU

He will make time for you. Of all the people he can hang out with, you are his first choice. When he needs advice or counsel, your words matter to him. You are important, and his actions and schedule show it.

6.  He will not seek a Relationship with you Prematurely.

He will not approach you if he is married or otherwise involved with someone else. He will handle any unfinished relationship business before pursuing you. He is not playing games, or playing the field. He is legally and emotionally available to move forward in a healthy relationship with you.

7.  He will be a Man of Integrity

He will do what he says he will do. He is a man of his word. He is dependable—not unreliable and unpredictable.  He will not send you mixed signals, stand you up for dates, nor rarely call or communicate. He will be fully engaged in the relationship.

8.  He will take the time to Get to Know You

He will not rush the relationship or rush you into sex. He will want to get to know the real YOU and build on the foundation of friendship. He will observe your character and reputation, your likes and dislikes, your thoughts, opinions and values, your strengths and weaknesses. He will be well-informed about his mate as she is, not as he wishes her to be.

9.  He will be Open & Honest with You.

He is transparent and upfront about who he is and about his intentions towards you. He is not mysterious or secretive. He is not hiding important information such as number of marriages, current girlfriends, or number of children. He does not leave you confused and guessing about the status of your relationship. He has pure motives and is genuine and sincere in his affection for you.

If your mate is lacking in these areas, see this as a red flag. Pause and examine areas of weakness. Bring your concerns to your mate and watch for improvement. Decide if it is worthwhile to continue. Find support to help you make difficult relational decisions, and if necessary, find strength to walk away.

Please Stay Tuned For Upcoming HOMC Events!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tips On How To Be A Good Friend

Well, It's been a while since I have blogged on here.  I recently started a new job & have been training like I'm in boot camp. (Lol)   I will try my best to bring you Housewives some fun & interesting material as often as I can.

We’ve all had at least one good friend in our life; someone we trust, someone to count on, someone who is genuine, and fun to be with. And if we’ve been a good friend in return, our friendship deepens and blossoms into a meaningful connection.

We each have our own ideas on the specifics of what makes a good friendship. Some people prefer regular contact, while others like time in between visits. Some people require fierce loyalty and dependability, while others are more care-free. Some want blunt honesty, and some prefer gentle truths. No matter what the details, we all have bottom-line requirements that are important to reflect on.

If you want to know how to be a good friend, reflect on the qualities you appreciate in your friendships and then adopt these in your attitude and behavior.

How To Be A Good Friend

These suggestions came to me as I reflected on what I most appreciate about my best friends. See if they resonate with you, and if they do, implement them into your friendships.

Accept The Whole Person

I feel completely safe and comfortable when a friend accepts me as I am – flaws and all. I can share my deepest secrets, reveal my weaknesses, and share my dreams and hopes without fear of judgment or rejection. Practice acceptance with your friends and notice how good it feels to love another unconditionally.

Focus On What You Enjoy

If we look close enough and stay in the relationship long enough, we discover our friend’s irritating idiosyncrasies. If we bail at this point, we miss out on a deeper friendship. Fortunately, we can choose what to focus on. Don’t dwell on the things that bother you; focus on what you love and enjoy about your friend. View them from your heart instead of your head. 

Clear Up Resentments

Resentments can fester and interfere with friendships if they are not dealt with. If you can’t let it go, discuss it with your friend. Share your feelings and thoughts from a non-blaming perspective. Own your own reactions and wounds that have been triggered. And do what you can to forgive your friend – it will be worth it in the long run.

Communicate From Your Heart

The friends I enjoy most are the ones who can share their stories, experiences, and perspectives from their heart and soul, not just their head. When we operate solely from the intellect we become dry, analytical, and judgmental. When we touch into our heart and emotions, we bring life and depth to all of our connections. Be willing to go beyond concepts and ideas in order to express yourself from a place of feeling and experience.

Did any of these suggestions resonate with you? If so, bring them into your relationships and watch your friendships blossom. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Is More Than Just A Hallmark Card

Happy Mother’s Day! For all the moms out there today, I wish you a very warm and thoughtful day full of the love and appreciation from your daughters and sons. I’m eternally thankful for my mother who I lost many years ago.

A friend of mine shared a story with me about a 90 year old friend who shared her thoughts on Mother's day... “It’s just a day made up to sell cards,” she said. “I’m a mother every day! Don’t give me anything you wouldn’t give me on any old Tuesday!”

Now she usually  listens to her elders. She figured anyone who has made it to 90 with all what she calls her “faculties” intact is someone who has done something right in life.  This friend is wise. She is kind. She is a role model. But in this instance, I think she’s wrong! Not the part about being a mother every day. That’s certainly true – no matter how old our kids get.  But I think she is mistaken about how important it is for her children to give her a special day. I think she deserves it. I think we all do. But even more important, these events (made up by the card companies or not) are opportunities to teach our kids how to show love and care.

Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day, and parents’ birthdays and any time a gift or good wishes are customarily exchanged among friends and relatives) shows kids how to be on the giving end of things.  This is important. Kids who are practiced in giving easily and generously become adults who are good partners and parents. They don’t expect their spouse or their kids to pick up where their parents left off in the giving department. They understand that being a mature person means taking a turn at doing for others.

It’s true that some kids pick up the idea of being a giver on their own. They’ve taken in good role-modeling and have enjoyed the rewards of being thanked for their efforts. The adult children (and grandchildren) of the elderly friend do call her and send her a card on Mother’s Day, despite her protests, because she’s been there with loving support throughout their lives. But there are many children (both young and not so young) who need a little remedial education in how to celebrate others.  Mother’s Day provides a “teaching moment” for the kids as well as a little time in the spotlight for us moms.

Tips For Making Mother's Day Your Day

Be a role model.  Honor the mothers in your life who have been there for you. They don’t have to be your biological mother. They don’t even have to be mothers. Mother’s Day is an opportunity to appreciate any older women in our life who have given us love, affection, and wisdom. Let the kids see you make out cards. Let them help you bake them cookies or bring them flowers.  Tell the kids why you are recognizing these wonderful women by making the day special for them.

Some spouses rally the kids to make Mother’s Day an event. That’s terrific!  But if yours doesn’t naturally find ways to conspire with the kids to make your day somehow special, ask for help in teaching the kids to be thoughtful.  Privately ask your spouse to encourage the kids to make a card for you or to come up with a surprise to show you their love. Remind him that you’re not asking for diamonds.  The opportunity to take an uninterrupted nap is heaven to many a mom and doesn’t cost a thing. The point is to encourage the kids to do something a little extra, maybe even a little inconvenient, just because it would please their mom.  Remind your spouse that what goes around comes around. You’ll return the favor come Father’s Day.

If you don’t have a partner, be your own best friend. It’s okay to politely ask your children to treat you to a little extra love. Think of something that your children can realistically do that pampers you just a little. (I’ve already put in my order for coffee in bed in the morning and for extra help making dinner.) Most kids do have a well-developed sense of fairness. You go to some effort to make their birthdays and holidays special. Explain that you’d like them to do the same for you on your day.

Declare yourself “Queen for the Day”.  Be silly. Wear a crown. Make a game of it. Ask your “subjects” to do things for you. If they ask you to fetch or find things, remind them that queens don’t do such tasks; their subjects do. Reassure them that their usual mom will be back tomorrow but for today you’re going to put your feet up and ask them to wait on you instead. It’s Mothers Day. It’s your day.

Becoming a mother means making a family. Ask for real family time and declare a few hours of electronics-free living. Ask the family to connect with you and with each other by doing something fun together. Go for a walk. Play a game. Make dinner together. If the family is out of practice with conversation, have some fun questions handy that will get people talking.  (Would you rather be a hammer or a nail? What kind of animal would you like to be?)

Appreciate your role as a mother. Give your little ones a big hug. Text the teens. Tell them how glad you are they made you into a mother.  Find a time during the day to share neat things about being a mom and to tell family stories about the other women in their lives who love them.

Yes,  Mother’s Day is about more than cards. And yes, I agree with my friend's wise friend: We are mothers every day. But the holiday does provide us with a reason to gather our families together and to show our children how to do love as well as feel it. Celebrating each other’s special days fosters the emotional warmth and closeness that nourishes us all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dealing With Teenage Girl Drama

Why Teen Girls Have Trouble Communicating With Each Other

Without proper role models for resolving conflicts, teen girls often resort to ineffective ways of solving interpersonal problems.

Anyone who works with teen girls knows how difficult it can be to sort out their social problems and get to the root of relationship problems. But why do these problems start in the first place?

The Importance of Social Status 

Girls place a high value on their social relationships, and any threat to their standing in a social group can shake their self-esteem. As a result, they will do almost anything to maintain or increase their status in that group. Sometimes that can mean taking sides, spreading gossip, shutting girls out, or any other behavior that keeps them in a “one-up” position.

Social Skills Deficits

Drama builds when problems escalate due to the above behaviors. Without the ability to diffuse conflicts and preserve the fabric of the group, girls resort to the responses they are familiar with. They see a conflict, perceive that their status is at risk, panic, and react.

Poor Role Models

Many girls lack the skills to resolve conflicts in respectful and productive ways. They are often not taught how to do this, and instead must rely on the models of problem-solving that they encounter in their every day life. Tabloid television shows, gossip magazines, and trashy celebrity behavior also help to normalize the idea that public displays of hyped-up conflict are acceptable ways to deal with problems and gain attention at the same time. Unfortunately, our girls are watching, and learning this behavior.

Common Communication Mistakes 

Assumptions and Conclusions
Many problems occur or escalate because girls base their beliefs solely on rumors, body language, and behavior. They can quickly decide that someone is “mad at me” based on a perceived slight or an offhand comment. Or, they may believe that a friend is trash talking them based on a random rumor. Instead of going to the source for verification, they often accept their perception as reality and then respond accordingly.

Taking Sides

Girls often take sides under the pretense of being “supportive”, but often they are using someone else’s conflict as a chance to exert their own power or retaliate for a perceived past injustice. Problems become harder to solve when whole groups of girls begin taking sides in what originated as a conflict between two people. Side conflicts emerge, misunderstanding are rampant, and it can become difficult to tease out and stay focused on the main issue.


Girls often perceive that problems are worse or more difficult to solve than they really are. Because girls are so emotionally invested in their personal relationships, threats to their status can easily seem like the “end of the world”. The tendency to react disproportionately to the situation also increases the levels of attention and perceived urgency.

 Impulsive Responses

Girls often respond without taking the time to think through their options. Emotional reactions to situations can get in the way of more rational problem-solving. Behaviors such as spreading rumors, making nasty comments, isolating friend, and cutting off friendships escalate problems and heighten the level of “drama”.
In A Nut Shell

The social life of adolescent girls, it is a drama that is inevitable and something they must have. Girls are relational, and their social lives are how they learn to relate with others. It teaches them how to love and nurture others, preparing them for life. It can also be a very dangerous part of an adolescent's life. As I've watched the interactions of girls, pondering my own experiences and trying to make it all make sense; I picked up a few books to see if I could find some ideas. 
One of the books I read on adolescent girls and relationships was "Queen Bees and Wannabees" by Rosalind Wiseman. She describes the social interactions of girls, the labels and how they all try to fit on the social ladder. As they strive to climb higher, they often times use negative tactics: gossip, rumors, back-stabbing and manipulation, to climb up another rung. These negative interactions are called relational aggression.
Girls can be sneaky with their talk, they are smart and know how to keep things under the radar. They put themselves in a position that assures their higher place on the ladder, while at the same time hiding themselves in great fear. Girls ultimately fear being rejected; they fear being alone. They will do almost anything to keep themselves on top, or to gain status and climb up the social ladder. They must hide most of their true selves, or else, God forbid, they will plummet to the bottom and become an outcast.

It is all about cliques, who's in and who's out. There is the clique at the top of the ladder, the popular group. Next comes the girls that are on the fringe of the popular clique. After this there are different groups of girls who stay in the middle of the ladder and can't seem to move up at all. Following this are the rest of the girls at the bottom of the ladder, that don't fit in at all, and  are different.

It always surprises me to hang out and talk with some of the girls on the of the more popular groups, they are sweet and honest and fun, and then when you see them with the group, they have suddenly transformed into followers, exclusive and manipulative.

The girls in the middle, mostly resent the girls in the popular group, but when they are around them they turn on the sweet faces (if they don't, they will get bumped to the bottom). The girls at the bottom pretty much keep to themselves. All of these groups, the different kinds of girls, all are defined in "Queen Bees and Wannabes."

Each of with others, the game is on again and they transform. Gossip, rumors, manipulation, exclusivity, and anything that can put them up one rung higher (or keep them at the top). It is all power play; but they have no choice, to risk anything different risks rejection.

I know many of these girls personally, and I know that it is all used as a protective mechanism. I know how it goes, I know what you have to do to either play and stay in the game. If you don't, then, you lose, you're out, game over. They have no choice if they want to fit in and belong.

What are we doing as Housewives that is somehow contributing to this? What are we doing to help prevent it? What are we doing to build our girls' self esteem and help them be all that they can be?

 Know When to Step In. 

 The fact is that some kids will be just plain mean, and many times with girl drama there are hurt feelings and tears. This is unfortunate but true, and you simply cannot step in and rescue your daughter every time something crops up. Instead, you need to monitor the situation, and when things are getting out of control, inappropriate for the age group, or dangerous, then it's time to step in. It's best to talk to your daughter beforehand about what you are going to do and explain exactly why you need to step in at that moment.

Sometimes the worst part about the girl drama in pre-teens is sitting around and stressing about it. Spending hours each evening thinking about what happened at school during the day can really be hard, so on days when your daughter has had a particularly trying time, make an effort to take her mind off of things. Take her out to an early evening movie after her homework is done, or treat her to a pedicure or ice cream at the ice cream shop. Getting her involved in extra-curricular activities of some kind can also help your pre-teen to realize that these girl drama issues may really be small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.  The most important thing you can do when raising a pre-teen girl and helping her get through those many trying girl drama episodes is to be there for her, and to make sure she knows you are supporting her completely.

 It is amazing what this little bit of knowledge can do for a pre-teen girl & for us parents.

Have A Great Evening HOMC!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reasons Why Women Should Rule The World by Housewife Elisha Wooten

Disclaimer: If you are a male, you might find this offensive. All things have been proven true by scientists in recent studies.

 -We are rationale 23 days of the month to a man's measly 0.
-Women can tell you that while it may be a convenient time to get "busy", it's probably a better use of time to clip coupons.
-We clip coupons. No man would ever take the time to do that. We save a ton of money buying 4 boxes of Kellogg's cereal because it will in fact save us $2. That's 1/20 a tank of gas.

-We believe in helping around the house....or maybe it should be that we believe in maintaining a clean home..alone... while men watch TV....alone...because we are cleaning...alone.

-We can take a box of ingredients and form delicious things like Hamburger Helper. Men make sandwiches. Therefore, obviously we are more suitable to feed the hungry....more hungry folks if we have a coupon.

- We understand that nobody should shave in a hurry.

-We do nothing in a hurry.

-We value our bodies enough to choose wine over calorie infused beer. This makes us more fit to fight off muggers and disgruntled employees at the Tag Agency should they ever snap and go on a crazy spree which I am convinced I'll be the victim of one day.

-We are the only gender capable of going to the grocery store...and getting the items on the list. We understand that Sara Lee Honey Wheat bread is not the same as Hi-lands White. We can also walk by the electronics every single time and do not stop. It shows our ability to maintain focus.
 -We have extra ligaments that allow us to do things like lean over and put the toilet seat back down.

- We get pleasure out of more practical things like making wall decor inspired by Pinterest...not passing deadly gas that's inspired by a group of cavemen watching sports.We obviously want to keep our ozone layer more in tact as if it fills the whole room its only natural to presume it reaches the atmosphere.

- We respond to text messages in a timely manner. If the United Nations need to contact us, we will not wait til we're done watching football to look at our phones.

-We carry their baby inside our belly for them for 9 months. When asked to carry our purse, it is a near death experience for them.
If you are interested in learning more I will be holding a seminar next month called,

 "Adam Could Not Follow the Grocery List from Eve that did NOT involve an apple." 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Decorating & Last Minute Recipe Ideas by Housewife Kayla Boos

Decorate your holiday table with a Tiered Easter Egg Centerpiece

Add polka dots to an Easter egg using a pencil eraser dipped in paint

 Decorate your mantel for Easter with a few easy crafts projects and some purchased items

 Create this Pastel Flower Bouquet with Eggs for your Easter celebration

M & M Pretzel Flowers

Easter Recipe Ideas

 Glazed Ham with Apricot-Mustard Sauce

7 pounds (about half of a bone-in) cured smoked ham, (butt end), room temperature
2 cups apricot jam
1/4 cup mustard powder
Butter for aluminum foil


Preheat oven to 375 degrees, with rack in lowest position. Line a large roasting pan with aluminum foil; place roasting rack in pan.

With a sharp knife, trim fat, leaving a 1/4-inch-thick layer. Lightly score fat in a diamond pattern (do not cut into meat). Place ham, fat side up, on rack; roast 1 hour.

Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine jam and mustard (they can be mixed and refrigerated up to 1 day ahead). Transfer 1/2 cup mixture to a small bowl to glaze ham. Set aside saucepan with remaining mixture.
After 1 hour, brush ham with glaze. Repeat every 15 minutes until brown and shiny, and an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part, avoiding bone, registers 130 degrees, about 1 hour more (if glaze starts to burn, tent ham with buttered foil). Discard unused glaze. Remove ham from oven; cover loosely with buttered foil to keep warm. Temperature will then rise another 5 to 10 degrees.

Bring jam mixture in saucepan to a boil. Carve ham, reserving bone and 2 cups of meat for Split Pea Soup. Serve with sauce.

Bacon Wrapped Caramelized Sesame Asparagus


1 bunch of asparagus, about 20-25 spears, stems removed

4 slices thick-cut bacon

1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

1 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar

1 garlic clove, minced or pressed

1/2 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place a wire rack on top. Spray the rack with nonstick spray. In a small bowl, whisk together oils, brown sugar and garlic. Set aside.

Bunch together 5-6 asparagus spears and tightly wrap a piece of bacon around the bundle. Place on the wire rack seam-side down and repeat. Using a pastry brush, a spoon or even your hands (I did this…), brush the spears thoroughly with the oil/sugar mixture. Give each bundle a hefty sprinkle of sesame seeds. Roast for 35-40 minutes, or until bacon is crispy. 
Serve warm.

Heavenly Mashed Potatoes

4 russet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup cottage cheese, pureed
2 tablespoons chives, thinly sliced
salt and pepper to taste
optional garnish:
melted butter


1. Place potatoes in a large pot and fill with water. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil.
2. Boil potatoes until fork tender, about 25 minutes.
3. While potatoes boil, place cream, butter and garlic in a small saucepan and simmer. Once mixture comes to a simmer, remove from heat.
4. Drain potatoes in a colander and return back to the pot. Lightly mash the potatoes and season with salt and pepper.
5. Pour cream mixture over the potatoes, a little at a time, and mash the potatoes until all the cream mixture has been used and potatoes are smooth.
6. Stir in pureed cottage cheese and sliced chives and season with salt and pepper.
7. Top with remaining chives and melted butter, if desired. 
Serve warm.

Raspberry White Cake

Vegetable-oil cooking spray
2 cups sifted cake flour (not self-rising)
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar (1/2 cup plus 1/2 cup)
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons whole milk
2 teaspoons baking powder
4 large egg whites, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon pure almond extract
1 1/2 cups raspberries (8 ounces)
2/3 cup raspberry jam
Meringue Frosting
1/2 cup large-flake dried unsweetened coconut


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Coat three 8-inch round cake pans with cooking spray, line bottoms with parchment, and coat again. Whisk together flour, salt, and 1/2 cup sugar. In a separate bowl, beat together cream, milk, baking powder, and egg whites until mixture thickens. Whisk in vanilla, almond extract, and remaining 1/2 cup sugar.

Fold in flour mixture. Fold in raspberries, then divide among pans. Bake until golden and top springs back when touched, about 25 minutes. Let cool in pans 30 minutes. Remove; let cool completely on a wire rack.

Spread half the jam over top of 1 cake layer, and sandwich with another layer. Repeat with remaining jam and layer. Swirl frosting over top and sides of cake. Sprinkle top with coconut.
Lillet Rose Spring Cocktail

12 ounces Lillet Rose (Can be substituted with a Rose Wine)
12 ounces Ruby Red grapefruit juice
6 ounces gin
6 edible flower blossoms (optional)


Combine 6 ounces Lillet, 6 ounces grapefruit juice, 3 ounces gin, and ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake until well chilled. Strain and divide cocktail among 3 stemmed cocktail glasses

Garnish with flowers. Serve immediately.

Wishing You A Blessed Easter HOMC!