Thursday, September 20, 2012


Have you ever walked away from a relationship and looked back and suddenly noticed all the red flags which were indicating that he was completely wrong for you?

As you look back now is it easier for you to see that the red flags were there and you simply weren't seeing them, or is it that you were aware of them but you chose to ignore them?

Why is it that as time goes by you are able to see things so much more clearly?  I believe there are five major signs which indicate that the guy you are interested in is not going to lead you to the happy and fulfilling relationship you desire.

1) You Can't Trust Him - Trust is the most important building block of a successful relationship. If you can't trust a man, it makes no difference how great he is in bed, what kind of money he makes or how great the chemistry is between you.

If you find yourself with a guy who doesn't honor his word and agreements with you there is only one thing you must do.... "Run!"

2) You Make Excuses - the need to love and the need to love is wired into your DNA. Unfortunately this often leads to short-circuiting your brain. If you are in a relationship with a man and you're constantly making excuses for his actions and behavior it's time to kick his "Butt To The Curb" and go find a man we don't have to make excuses for.

3) You Are Consistently Unhappy? - Isn't love supposed to make you feel good? Isn't a man supposed to enhance your life and make it better? If the guy you're dating or married to often causes you to have more tears than smiles it's not a sign of how much you love him, it's a sign he simply isn't the right guy for you.

4) You're Working Too Hard- If you're doing all the work and putting all of the effort in to make him happy and to make the relationship work it's a clear cut sign that you are with the wrong man!  Every relationship has its challenges, but when the right man and the right woman come together these challenges become nothing more than little speed bumps in life.

5) You're Afraid to Leave - The telltale sign that you are with Mr. Wrong is when you stay with a man and continue to try and make the relationship work because you are afraid of leaving. Fear is a natural tendency which is designed to protect us and keep us safe. However when it comes to men, dating and relationship your fears often cause you to make choices and decisions which completely work against you and what you desire. If you find yourself dating or married to a guy and you're unhappy and you're afraid to move on it's time to make the tough decision. It may be difficult to actually do it but one day when you are down the road you will see that it was a great move on your part.

From this point on if you notice that you are involved with a guy and you notice any of the five signs it would be in your best interest to move on. Now I'm not saying, it's gonna be easy. And the truth is,  if you've got real strong feelings for him it's going to be even more difficult. But being able to make the tough choices is exactly what separates those who have great relationships from those who have mediocre ones.

Still Wondering if he's Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? Does he truly love me, or is he using me?  Should I hang in there, or cut my losses? Below are 9 Signs of Mr. Right to help you decide:

1.  He will be Kind to You

As 1 Corinthians 13 tells us, love is patient and love is kind. Kindness is evidence of love. If your mate is disrespectful, harsh, or mean-spirited towards you, his behavior is not an indication of love.

2.  He will want to Help You.

If you have a problem or need, he wants to provide the solution. He will want to solve your problem, ease your pain, and take away your worries. He will not want to see you suffering, not if he can prevent it.

3.  He will be Protective of You.

He will show concern for your well-being and will want to keep you safe. He will defend you and will not want anyone to take advantage of you. Don’t be surprised if he seems like your personal hero and protector.

4.  He will Give of Himself and his Resources

He will willingly and sacrificially give of himself: his time, his energy, and when necessary, even his financial support. He is eager to please you and to provide what he can to sustain your relationship.

5.  He will Favor YOU & Prioritize YOU

He will make time for you. Of all the people he can hang out with, you are his first choice. When he needs advice or counsel, your words matter to him. You are important, and his actions and schedule show it.

6.  He will not seek a Relationship with you Prematurely.

He will not approach you if he is married or otherwise involved with someone else. He will handle any unfinished relationship business before pursuing you. He is not playing games, or playing the field. He is legally and emotionally available to move forward in a healthy relationship with you.

7.  He will be a Man of Integrity

He will do what he says he will do. He is a man of his word. He is dependable—not unreliable and unpredictable.  He will not send you mixed signals, stand you up for dates, nor rarely call or communicate. He will be fully engaged in the relationship.

8.  He will take the time to Get to Know You

He will not rush the relationship or rush you into sex. He will want to get to know the real YOU and build on the foundation of friendship. He will observe your character and reputation, your likes and dislikes, your thoughts, opinions and values, your strengths and weaknesses. He will be well-informed about his mate as she is, not as he wishes her to be.

9.  He will be Open & Honest with You.

He is transparent and upfront about who he is and about his intentions towards you. He is not mysterious or secretive. He is not hiding important information such as number of marriages, current girlfriends, or number of children. He does not leave you confused and guessing about the status of your relationship. He has pure motives and is genuine and sincere in his affection for you.

If your mate is lacking in these areas, see this as a red flag. Pause and examine areas of weakness. Bring your concerns to your mate and watch for improvement. Decide if it is worthwhile to continue. Find support to help you make difficult relational decisions, and if necessary, find strength to walk away.

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