Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tips On How To Be A Good Friend

Well, It's been a while since I have blogged on here.  I recently started a new job & have been training like I'm in boot camp. (Lol)   I will try my best to bring you Housewives some fun & interesting material as often as I can.

We’ve all had at least one good friend in our life; someone we trust, someone to count on, someone who is genuine, and fun to be with. And if we’ve been a good friend in return, our friendship deepens and blossoms into a meaningful connection.

We each have our own ideas on the specifics of what makes a good friendship. Some people prefer regular contact, while others like time in between visits. Some people require fierce loyalty and dependability, while others are more care-free. Some want blunt honesty, and some prefer gentle truths. No matter what the details, we all have bottom-line requirements that are important to reflect on.

If you want to know how to be a good friend, reflect on the qualities you appreciate in your friendships and then adopt these in your attitude and behavior.

How To Be A Good Friend

These suggestions came to me as I reflected on what I most appreciate about my best friends. See if they resonate with you, and if they do, implement them into your friendships.

Accept The Whole Person

I feel completely safe and comfortable when a friend accepts me as I am – flaws and all. I can share my deepest secrets, reveal my weaknesses, and share my dreams and hopes without fear of judgment or rejection. Practice acceptance with your friends and notice how good it feels to love another unconditionally.

Focus On What You Enjoy

If we look close enough and stay in the relationship long enough, we discover our friend’s irritating idiosyncrasies. If we bail at this point, we miss out on a deeper friendship. Fortunately, we can choose what to focus on. Don’t dwell on the things that bother you; focus on what you love and enjoy about your friend. View them from your heart instead of your head. 

Clear Up Resentments

Resentments can fester and interfere with friendships if they are not dealt with. If you can’t let it go, discuss it with your friend. Share your feelings and thoughts from a non-blaming perspective. Own your own reactions and wounds that have been triggered. And do what you can to forgive your friend – it will be worth it in the long run.

Communicate From Your Heart

The friends I enjoy most are the ones who can share their stories, experiences, and perspectives from their heart and soul, not just their head. When we operate solely from the intellect we become dry, analytical, and judgmental. When we touch into our heart and emotions, we bring life and depth to all of our connections. Be willing to go beyond concepts and ideas in order to express yourself from a place of feeling and experience.

Did any of these suggestions resonate with you? If so, bring them into your relationships and watch your friendships blossom. 



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