Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reasons Why Women Should Rule The World by Housewife Elisha Wooten

Disclaimer: If you are a male, you might find this offensive. All things have been proven true by scientists in recent studies.

 -We are rationale 23 days of the month to a man's measly 0.
-Women can tell you that while it may be a convenient time to get "busy", it's probably a better use of time to clip coupons.
-We clip coupons. No man would ever take the time to do that. We save a ton of money buying 4 boxes of Kellogg's cereal because it will in fact save us $2. That's 1/20 a tank of gas.

-We believe in helping around the house....or maybe it should be that we believe in maintaining a clean home..alone... while men watch TV....alone...because we are cleaning...alone.

-We can take a box of ingredients and form delicious things like Hamburger Helper. Men make sandwiches. Therefore, obviously we are more suitable to feed the hungry....more hungry folks if we have a coupon.

- We understand that nobody should shave in a hurry.

-We do nothing in a hurry.

-We value our bodies enough to choose wine over calorie infused beer. This makes us more fit to fight off muggers and disgruntled employees at the Tag Agency should they ever snap and go on a crazy spree which I am convinced I'll be the victim of one day.

-We are the only gender capable of going to the grocery store...and getting the items on the list. We understand that Sara Lee Honey Wheat bread is not the same as Hi-lands White. We can also walk by the electronics every single time and do not stop. It shows our ability to maintain focus.
 -We have extra ligaments that allow us to do things like lean over and put the toilet seat back down.

- We get pleasure out of more practical things like making wall decor inspired by Pinterest...not passing deadly gas that's inspired by a group of cavemen watching sports.We obviously want to keep our ozone layer more in tact as if it fills the whole room its only natural to presume it reaches the atmosphere.

- We respond to text messages in a timely manner. If the United Nations need to contact us, we will not wait til we're done watching football to look at our phones.

-We carry their baby inside our belly for them for 9 months. When asked to carry our purse, it is a near death experience for them.
If you are interested in learning more I will be holding a seminar next month called,

 "Adam Could Not Follow the Grocery List from Eve that did NOT involve an apple." 

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