Friday, March 30, 2012

If You're Too Busy To Talk...Then Why Do You Have Time To Post On Facebook?... (A lesson in phone etiquette) by Housewife Elisha Wooten

I have always said, "Quality versus quantity" when it comes to friendships. I would rather give 50% of me to 2 people then 10% of me to 10 people. I know everyone has their own agenda, life, and family but what has the world come to that people are now SO busy that even responding to a simple text message becomes a chore? I can have a baby on my hip while stirring dinner on the stove and bending over to paint my toenails and I will STILL answer my phone or return a text message. So, when I don't receive the same in return it irritates me as I have a problem with thinking EVERYONE should be just like me. Everyone should think the same and everyone should expect the same as me. I have learned that the more I think that way the more I am let down. In fact, I will become quite passive aggressive and find ways to hold it against them later down the road.


How do I even explain to someone that while I don't expect you to stop in the middle of your love making session to answer my text, any response within 2-4 hours would be fantastic?!


I think when we as a society became more and more impersonal with texting it sort of gave some people a "right" along the way to just blow people off and think nothing of it. You are WELCOME to blow me off but by the 2nd or 3rd time just understand I will probably start returning the favor.

This sounds crazy but a new feature on the Iphones is this instant messaging type feature where if the other person has an Iphone that's updated you can see on your screen when the other person is typing and it makes me smile when I notice the other person is immediately typing back....even if just to say, "I'll get back with you after ____"

Maybe it's a generation thing because my grandma is not the only person I know that will ANSWER the phone just to say she is in the bathroom and will call back in a bit. I'm not kidding...and I APPRECIATE that because it let's me know shes not staring at my  name on the caller ID going, "Gosh, Elisha, I talked to you at Thanksgiving...what the heck do you want now?"

 My own father is that way. I have learned to not expect a response within 24 hours...and that is hurtful because I know my dad has a tacky belt clip for his phone and as much as he ELOHVEEEES his job he is ALWAYS able to be reached on it so I know my text does not get lost in outer space until the next day. He CHOOSES to wait that long to respond.

What is the moral of the story that I am trying to get across? If you give any kind of number 2 about your friendships or the person on the other end then please have some common courtesy and respond when someone calls or texts. If you don't have time to do that then you shouldn't have friends or family. You should move to the islands of Kuwait and live there, off the land, without any telecommunications as to not be bothered by silly phone beeps and requests to converse.

I'm currently designing an Iphone app that will alert you when you get a message and give you the option to send a quick response back without having to type it yourself such as:

"I have been avoiding you until someone dies and I am forced to make funeral arrangements with you."

"I do not want to hear about your husband and how he is out again with his friends at the bar. Call Dr. Phil"

"I don't enjoy hearing how my brother/sister has once again trumped my existence. Call me at Christmas"

"Yes, I think you should get back on a diet."

"I am VERY much looking forward to talking to you and as soon as I can medicate my children into bedtime I will call you back."

Remember this, ladies, the next time you hit the divert button on your phone....ESPECIALLY if it's to me! LOL!

The World’s Best Frozen Margarita Recipe


Pour the following ingredients into a blender.

    3 ounces of your favorite tequila. I swear by Jose Cuervo Gold.
    1 ounce of your favorite triple sec.
    1 ounce of Grand Marnier.
    1 ounce of Rose’s Lime Juice.
    The juice of one fresh lime.
    Load up with ice.

Run your blender until the liquid is a frothy mixture.  Make sure you add enough ice so that there is a decent thickness to the liquid.  Slice a small wedge of lime and coat the rim of your margarita glass with the juice.  Pour some sea salt onto a dish and place the glass upside down so that the salt adheres to the glass rim.

When your drink is through blending, pour into a glass and ENJOY!

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